How to create Value by Addressing your Existing Customers

When selling products or services, most people think about selling to new customers. This is especially the case for companies with a new product or service. However, value can also be created by selling to existing customers. Selling to existing customers is much more efficient than selling to new customers. This blog explains how valueContinue reading “How to create Value by Addressing your Existing Customers”

Re-think your design with Design Thinking

Sometimes products run out of traction in the market, because all products look the same and hardly any innovation takes place. In this situation it can be beneficial to re-design a product in order to create a new impact in the market. Design Thinking is an effective approach to help you doing this. The result canContinue reading “Re-think your design with Design Thinking”

How to deliver good Quality in Digital Innovation

Good quality is an important attribute of products. When products do not meet the quality expectations of customers, customers will start to complain and do not buy those products in the future. Traditional quality management methods, like Total Quality Management and Six Sigma, have proven to be very successful for traditional hardware products in stableContinue reading “How to deliver good Quality in Digital Innovation”

Creating an Advantage with Modularity

When creating a new product or service, it is frequently unclear how the exact market for such a product or service looks like. This is especially the case for disruptive products, for which there is no market yet. In this case it could be beneficial to create a modular product, which is flexible enough toContinue reading “Creating an Advantage with Modularity”

How to use Design to Differentiate your Product

Design is one of the attributes of a product. The importance of design depends on the expectations of the customers in a specific market. In many markets, like household appliances, clothing or cars, design is an important attribute to compete in that market. Without an attractive design, it is harder to sell products. But howContinue reading “How to use Design to Differentiate your Product”

How to use a Business Case to Optimize your Value Proposition

Many companies treat value proposition development and product justification as separate domains, which are managed by different experts. First, a value proposition is developed by the marketeers and product managers. Afterwards, a financial business case is written by financial managers to justify expenditures. In some cases marketeers and product managers do not even care aboutContinue reading “How to use a Business Case to Optimize your Value Proposition”

Pricing for Value

In today’s world of digital innovation and market disruption it is sometimes unclear how to price products or services. How to set a price for a disruptive product? How to determine the value for the customer in a changing market? In this blog I would like to discuss how to define a price to optimize value for both the customer and the company.

Creating Requirements which Count

Requirements play a central role in the development process.  Requirements define both what must be build, and what has been built. But writing good requirements is a skill, which few organizations master. What are the essential elements to write good requirements? How do you write requirements which make a difference? This blog discusses 4 essentialContinue reading “Creating Requirements which Count”